Wow! In life, you go through extended periods of nothing much happening and then everything happens all at once.
For the past few years I feel like I've been just coasting along. But in the last few weeks I've quit my job, decided to go back to graduate university full-time, and just this afternoon booked a round-the-world ticket to head back to Europe.
It's all so exciting. My life here in Japan is getting wrapped up. I'm cancelling things, cutting things off, notifying authorities. I've gone from thinking I need to ship everything I own back to Europe to thinking I don't need most of what I have and should recycle the lot. I'm making lists like a madman. I'm dividing things into categories and piles. I'm sorting and downsizing and feeling that the timing for everything is falling into place. I'm dancing to the percussion of some great cosmic clockwork.
Any yet with all I have still to do, now that all my university applications are out of the way, all I really want to think about is the cool trip home I have just reserved.
I will leave Tokyo on June 15 and head to the tropical island of Okinawa. It's the Japanese version of Hawaii and I have long dreamed of going there.
Then I'll scoot over to Korea, head down to Singapore for a few days, and then enjoy a week trekking up the Malaysian coast from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.
From there I'll head to the UAE via a short stop in Thailand for some beloved green curry. I'm very interested to see what Dubai has to offer. I've been told it's the kind of place you either love or hate. I'm interested to see them skiing in the desert in that big frozen dome they have.
From the Middle East I'll travel up to Turkey. My great Australian friend, who's been all over the world, ranked this as her favourite ever country. I'm a bit worried about safety but will do my best to avoid dangerous places.
I'll then drop into Austria for a few days. I've never been here either. I know it might not be the coolest ever destination, but it's where my folks went on their honeymoon and I feel a kind of connection to it.
And from Vienna I will make my way to wherever I get accepted into university.
The really great bonus about such a round-the-world ticket is that I know I will be able to return to the rising sun at the drop of a hat. You see, the ticket includes an open return coupon to Japan valid for a year. Plus, I will still hold a valid work visa. So, if my big return to Europe turns out to be a big disaster, my options are still open.
And all this for only 350,000yen!!! That's about 2,400 euro!!! I'm over the moon.
I am aware enough to know that being so self-involved is not healthy. Seriously, I could easily forget about work, friends, troubles, the lot and just daydream about what rucksack I'm going to buy for my trip. That can't be right.
I guess, because I'm single with no responsibilities, it's too easy for me to be as selfish and self-centred as I want. I should probably be giving this money to charity or putting it towards a retirement plan or something. But I figure we all make different choices in life. I don't have a house, a car, a family of my own. Instead I crave experiences. I want to see the world: the gypsy blood must run thick and fast in me.
I wonder if I'll ever settle down? Something to ponder as I lie on white sandy beaches, trek through lush green forests, and push my way through crowded bazaars.
Oh I can't wait.