Then, because I had to deal with all these boomerang problems, I was forced to work late and miss out on this event that I had been planning to go. So that put socializing well and truly by the wayside.
I was so fed up by the time I got home. But strangely that made made me all the more determined to keep at least one of my new year's promises and do something to stay healthy. Even though it was kinda late, I forced myself out in the cold (it's been down to minus four some nights recently) and headed down to the river to jog off some of the stresses of the day.
And do you know what, it actually worked. The air was so crisp and clear and the skyscrapers just kind of popped out against the moonlit sky. It was really nice. I wish I'd had my camera - unfortunately the crap-o-cam on my phone just showed some dark blur. Point is, I came back home feeling like a new person and I'm ready for whatever tomorrow throws at me.
I thought I might have an old photo that would show you much the same view, but I don't. However, looking through the memory card reminded me of a couple of pics I've been wanting to show you.
What do you think of this installation outside a very prestigious central office building that is home to some pretty big and powerful corporations?
I hate it with a passion and can't help but feel the artist is laughing all the way to the bank, disbelieving of the fact that they got away with it. I guess I grudgingly have to say it's good art, though, because it sure provokes a reaction in me. Is the artist trying to say that no matter how evolved and civilized workers like myself think we are, we are still just animals sniffing each others' pheromones slash butts? I dunno.
Anyway,there is a tenuous link between these photos and the other ones I wanted to show you. To get to the office building above, you pass the 'Nakagin' building below.
This is an iconic building by Kurokawa Kisho from the 70s and was designed as 'capsule' living for the modern young salary man about town. I heard a rumour the other day that they're going to tear it down. I'll admit it's looking a bit rough around the edges, but I think demolishing it would be a shame. Useless fact about the building I saw on a TV show ages ago: it's actually the cheapest residential accommodation in the very pricey Ginza district. It'd be a good place to live if you're not that worried about asbestos or getting squished in the next big shaker. Anyway - I love the design and I hope any new tower that comes in its place tries to emulate its spirit.
Alright, I'm just waffling now. It's probably all the pheromones I sniffed today. Time for bed.