The cult of the Bushi (武士 - Samurai) seeps into many aspects of the Japanese national psyche. You could almost call it a Samurai fetish. The most unexpected things end up being aligned with Bushido (武士道 - the Way of the Samurai)
In cherry blossom season, it is said that the blooms themselves live the samurai ideal: A short, glorious existence, snuffed out at its peak.
Camellia, too, are compared to the ancient warrior class. These round, red or pink flowers abound in Japan in springtime, an alternative name for them even being Japonica.
They bud, flower and fall from the bush whole, allegedly never shedding a single petal. This, again, a metaphor for expiring in a blaze of glory.
Baseball, too, is given its warriors.
The World Baseball Classic was held in the US a few weeks ago. I guess you could say that it's the 'World Cup' of baseball, though hardly any countries seem to play the game that seriously.
Japan initially played pretty badly and almost got eliminated. A stroke of luck led them to qualify to the final stages, and they ended up going all the way to claim the title.
This victory was in large part down to the team captain, Ichiro Suzuki. Like Cher or Sting, he's famous enough to be known only as 'Ichiro' (イチロー).
Up until the championship he had been seen as a very successful player, but somewhat cold, a little selfish, and almost robot-like in his lack of emotion. Less gifted players were much more popular because of this.
But on the occasion of Japan's near defeat, he let down this mask, let his passion, anger and frustration show, and channelled all of this into leading his team to the finals.
His leadership and inpsiration of less experienced players was very significant for the supporters. Unlike Ichiro, many Major League players refused to take part in this purely patriotic championship. They feared an injury so near the start of the season would endanger their high-paying, professional careers.
So the Japanese have gone wild for this new hero, exclaiming Ichiro exemplified Yamatodamashii (大和魂 - the Spirit of Ancient Japan). This is a code of honour, stoicism and placing the needs of the group ahead of the needs of the individual. It's also a code that many people feel has been eroded or even lost as Japan has modernised.
Ichiro has, knowingly or unknowingly, has reinvented his image and career. He has seen his value to advertisers double. More importantly, in a country where football has seen a huge increase in popularity of late, he has put baseball back in the hearts and minds of the young. To illustrate this, the specially designed 'Team Japan' uniform (in samurai blue - I kid you not) sold out hours after the final and caught the manufacturers by complete surprise.
Of course this warrior worship is not all sunshine and lollipops.
You could argue that anything from the kamikaze pilots of the Second World War to the thousands of business owners who commited suicide when Japan's economic bubble burst could be traced back to following the Way of the Samurai.
A more interesting criticism of the samurai spirit comes from the women of Japan.
They claim that men who embrace stoicism and duty without feeling are arrogant, cold and unable to connect with others emotionally.
This could explain the many, many loveless marriages over here.
It could also explain the uniquely Japanese phenomenon of the LBH (Loser Back Home).
Thes Loser Back Home is a man who is sadly not blessed with looks, charm or career success. He moves to Japan and ends up with a stunningly beautiful girlfriend or wife, eventhough he would have no hope of getting such an amazing partner back in his home country.
Many Japanese women, it seems, are tired of the aloof and emotionally stunted Japanese 'samurai'. They look past many superficial qualities and fall head over heels for a man from Europe, America or elsewhere who pays them attention, is gentelmanly, expressive and emotional.
And if I ever hear anyone putting my name and the letters L, B & H in the same sntence, they will get a kicking. In any case I think you actually have to have a girlfriend to be termed a LBH. I guess they'll have to come up with a a new cateogry for me - LBHAIJT - Loser Back Home and In Japan Too! Just kidding - I rock!