We've had more than seven little earthquakes (hands up who's singing Tori Amos in their head right now) mostly between the hours of 2am and 7am.
This is the yuckiest time to get a quaker - you're all dozy and disoriented, and feel particularly vulnerable.
They were nothing serious and they didn't do any damage. It's just a horrible reminder of the fact that I live on a fault line. It's so easy to forget when you go through a nice undisturbed period.
Oh well, 仕方がない (shikata ga nai) as they say over here. It's a phrase that's used all the time in various situtaions. It means'there's nothing you can do about it' (and the nuance is 'there's no point in worrying').
In fact I can't believe I'm using the phrase. I usually hate it - I think it's defeatist and just an excuse for inaction (something we Japanese love).
But hey I guess it's just another sign I am assimilating. You will know I am truly one with the borg the day I stop worrying about earthquakes - half of my bleeding students didn't even notice them, while I was at home sleeping with one eye open waiting for the next tremor.
Big sis, are you sure you still want to come? Don't worry, you'll be graaaand!
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