I've been promising to put their photos up here for ages, but have only gotten around to it now. To be honest, I was holding out for a picture of them in funny hats or boots or driving a car or something. But all I got was this official portrait, so it'll have to do. It is a great picture, though, I must say.
Not only are they the most beautiful dogs in the world, but they have character in spades.
The fair haired lovely to the back is 'Mr Ella'. A lazy-eyed princess, she doesn't know her own strength. Possessing a rich alto bark, she has a fondness for sharing it with the neighbourhood. A seriously traumatic puppyhood has left its scars, but with my sister's love and care she's coming out of her shell more and more each day. Most likely to be seen stepping on her brother as he sleeps or stealing his food. Least likely to be seen eating a whole bowl of fruit (skin and all) any time soon - not after the 'dirty protest' which ensued that my big sis had to clear up!
To the fore, in a black and white ensemble, is 'Lady Boy Ben'. A more recent addtition to the family, he came to keep his sister, Ella, company. He is small and bendy in stature, but what he lacks in posture he makes up for in style (to wit, his well stocked wardrobe of diamante collars and rainbow scarves). He is definitely the brains of the operation, while his sister is the muscle. Most likely to be seen scheming and plotting, usually cunning plans for how to steal human food. Least likely to be seen sitting near me again any time soon - the memory of a recent new year's where he only came near me to break foul wind still smarts.
We love you Bendy and Smella.
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