HIV & AIDS testing.
I'm still puzzling over what they're trying to communicate to us. The message is basically that you can get a HIV / AIDS test for free at your local clinic. It's anonymous and quick and the results are completely private.
But what all this has to do with a cuddly cow hand puppet is a bit beyond me.
None the less, I'm very happy to see such an ad up in the trains at all.
In Japan, social issues like HIV / AIDS, drug use, sexuality, and so on are almost never spoken about. In fact, their existence is largely denied. Ask a passer-by on the street, and I bet most would say there were no people in Japan living with HIV /AIDS at all. I don't know the statistics, but I'm sure that the rate of infection is no different to any other developed country.
Maybe the idea of having the person dressed in the tradtional puppeteer all-black is to show that the issue needs to come out of the shadows, out into the open.
In short, the ad is either inspired or completely rubbish. I haven't decided yet.
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