I went to see the Blue Man Group's show here in Tokyo a couple of weekends ago. They've had a permanent theatre in the city for ages, but they're going to be moving on in November, so I wanted to catch them before they left.
My sister pointed out that, having just gotten back from the land of anyongs (Anyong!), going to see the Blue Man Group made my life into one big 'Arrested Development' tribute. I can think of worse vocations to have.
So, the show: well, I loved and hated it in equal measure. It's quirky, original and entertaining, with some great music (especially from their DIY instruments), but they are all about the involuntary audience participation; I sat there in quaking terror at being called up to the stage.
Oh, and another thing: at one stage in the show, the three Blue Men walk on the backs of the seats up through the theatre, posing to rock out to the music along the way. As a result, I can now say that I have had both Cirque-du-Soleil clown crotch AND Blue-Man-Group man crotch shaken in my face in the same year.
Quite and achievement, I think you'll agree.
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