I am going to be taking a CPR and first aid course next Sunday. I just received the pre-study materials for the course and it's like they were written just for me: I had only reached page five when I started to freak out. They were talking about defibrillation and spinal injury and the like and I was really beginning to think that it as all too much for me. What if I get something wrong and end up killing someone?People who know me well know that I'm not exactly the most dexterous, take-charge person in the world.
But then I turned the page and read what may become my mantra, not just for the course, but for life (to paraphrase):
Don't get caught in a trap of doing nothing for fear of not doing it perfectly - adequate care provided is better than perfect care withheld.
Shoot, years of expensive therapy could have been avoided if I'd only taken this course sooner. Procrastination is one of my biggest flaws, usually extending from an overblown fear of failure. I fully intend to begin implementing this new policy in all aspects of my life...
No more putting off cleaning the toilet because the living room hasn't been vacuumed and so the place won't look perfect in the end anyway!
(Well, such major spot-changing by this leopard might take a little time...)
P.S. Luckily they said the use of some light humour is a useful learning tool on the course: if there are going to be a lot of slides like the one above on the day, I may have trouble keeping it together.
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