I was lucky enough earlier this month to be able to get some decent time off work and enjoyed a National Lampoon's European vacation of Dublin and Berlin. I was so excited to be going to the Fatherland now that I've gotten into all things German. But it was equally wonderful to spend a short but sweet time catching up with family and a few friends and enjoying the wonderful Irish weather... hahaha! Actually, the weather wasn't that bad and the occasional sun shower led to some beautiful rainbows, even the elusive double. I mean look at these photos I took around my folks' neighbourhood. I know I'm a stereotypical expat grasping onto my leprechaun-with-a-pot-of-gold images of the old country, but I don't care: I've come back with some beautiful memories of home.
It was also pretty in a very bleak Irish way one day when we went walking in the local dunes. I mean you just don't come across scenes like these too often here in Tokyo. The story behind the purple flowers, by the way, is very life affirming. Apparently arsonists razed the dunes to the ground earlier on this year, but out of the charred remains these beautiful plants and other new life have sprung up all around. The place is reinvigorated.
I have so many photos and little bits and pieces that I want to talk about from my holiday - I don't know when I'll ever get my thoughts organized. However, I am currently in bed home sick with my first cold of the year (and of course it's bloomin' Saturday!) so there's a fairly high chance I'll just do a bit of a mind dump later on today. Bis dann!
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