Words from an Irishman on his way home...

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Bowing runs deep in this culture.

I'm on my first business trip in ages and of course it falls on the first day of snow this winter in Tokyo. To quote Gob Bluth, "Come on!"

(Quick aside - I read that Mitch Hurwitz hopes to have the Arrested Development movie in theatres by the end of this year. Woohoo!)

Anyway, heading out on the train today I saw something you'd probably only see in Japan.

So a station guard was leading a blind passenger by the arm to his seat on the train. He sets him down and then goes to the door and as he's about to leave the carriage he turns back and bows deeply. He then waits on the platform until the train pulls out of the station and bows again, long and deep.

I guess I'm not yet all that one with the Borg because I just kept thinking, "Dude, he's blind."

It reminded me of all the people you see over here talking on the phone and bowing away merrily. To be honest, I might occasionally be guilty of the odd nod during a phone call myself.


1 comment:

  1. When I worked at a big company, nothing amused me more than watching the managers bow to the phone. And now I do it...

