Words from an Irishman on his way home...

Thursday 8 April 2010

Foot in mouth disease

This is the end of my career before it has even begun!

I exaggerate of course, but I had a major case of foot-in-mouth
disease today: one of the people taking the training course today was
the director of the research facility - the biggest of the big-wigs
you can get up here. So, needless to say, I called him by the wrong
name for the first thirty minutes of the day.

And not even a close version, just a plain old different name. And I
called him it a lot. And I never got any vibe that anything was wrong
until he stopped me mid-question and said something like, "before I
answer that, I'd like you to know that my name is X, not Y!"

Ouch! How I wished the ground had just swallowed me up...

But he's a Nice guy and didn't seem to hold it against me. At least I
don't think so - I'm not eager to read the feedback forms that we give
out at the end of each training session.

We actually powered through the material today and finished up way
earlier than planned at four o'clock. I got out while the getting was
good and took the chance to take a walk before the sun went down. It
was a lovely refreshing, mind-clearing, embarrassment-suppressing hour.

I took a fee photos that I will put up when I get back to Tokyo: I
can't attach any peripherals to my work laptop in case I give it the
cyber clap. All I need after calling the boss by the wrong name all
morning is to give my computer a virus tonight.


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