Words from an Irishman on his way home...

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Sorry about the recent radio silence.

With this being the start of a new fiscal year, things have been
hectic. Welcoming all the new hires into the company and getting them
settled into their positions takes more effort and organization than I
ever would have thought. The terrible part is, as soon as you finish
one thing, you're straight on to the next: we had a meeting today
where we talked a little about 2012 recruitment!!! I mean, talk about
the years passing by without you noticing.

I will see a fair bit of the country over the next few weeks. I'm up
in the north here for four days, then I get back to Tokyo before
heading off to Osaka for two days. And sure then before I've even had
a chance to unpack, I'll be off to Okinawa for my hols.

It's at times like this that you really notice how long the bundle of
islands that make up Japan is: here in Iwate, it's still snowy enough
to go skiing; back down in the big smoke, Spring has sprung and the
cherry blossoms are out; and down in tropical Ishigaki, I can hope for
thirty degree days and sun splitting the trees. All in the same month!

Coming from a wee place like Ireland it still kind of boggles the mind.


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