Words from an Irishman on his way home...

Thursday 13 July 2006

Irish Pride: We're kinda proud of it...

So it looks like I've inherited the Cadwell knack for backing the wrong horse.
I chose Japan over Ireland based on the safety of the place, the mannerliness of the people, and the overall quality of life.
As my previous god-knows-how-many entries will show, all these wonderful things now seem to be going to the dogs. While at the same time, the Emerald Isle I abandoned is kicking ass and taking names:
It was reported over here that Ireland has come top in a worldwide ranking of the safest places for tourists to travel to. How do ya like them apples!
According to analysis by Norwich Union and some sort of large insurers' group, Ireland had fewer reports of pickpocketing, road accidents, food poisoning, violent crime, insect bites, and so on, and so on, than any other country.
I was pretty shocked about the country which came out worst in the poll: Poor old Thailand. I would guess that was mostly down to the dismal traffic safety and the variety of bugs which like to eat you over there.
But other results were interesting, too. The Czech Republic beat out Italy for pickpocketing, you're most likely to experience violent crime in South Africa, and the idea of 'Dehli Belly' though stereotypical, is well-deserved by India.
Overall I was really proud of little old Ireland. Y'all rock the tourism!
Like I said before, I'm going to try and keep the focus more positive from now on. But I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't be thinking of moving back home - before a wonky North Korean missile lands on my balcony by accident, that is.

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