Words from an Irishman on his way home...

Sunday 22 February 2009

One of these kids is not like the other

I saw this photo and a little part of me died inside. I'm the eejit on the end, by the way. I don't know why I allow myself to act the fool around coworkers and bosses. At the time, it's all about cracking myself up, but then the consequences of my actions come back to haunt me when the photo threatens to be published in the company magazine that gets sent not just to our 800 employees, but to all 6,200 in the group.
Oh, and in case you didn't know, I went skiing in Iwate last weekend!
It was not as deathly cold as had been predicted - we just barely went down into the minus double digits. In fact, it was outright warm when we arrived. I have put lots of photos up on facebook showing how the place got progressively more snow-kissed as the weekend wore on. I think you should be able to view them at this link:
It's a pretty amazing slope up there in Appi Kogen. It's so long that it takes accomplished skiiers about 30 minutes to complete. Getting up there in the gondola, I told the others it felt like we were going to heaven. In the end, I really enjoyed myself, despite the cold, the wet and the occasional terror. I'm going again at the start of April. You heard right, April! The ski season is so long in parts of Japan, that some slopes don't even OPEN until that time of year. Crazy.
This year is all about trying new things for me, and I have a lot of fun challenges in the works: next weekend, I hope to take my first trampolining lesson; my friend will join me if I promise to try an air rifle class with her (cue headlines of crazed Irishman going postal in downtown Tokyo); and I've commited to do a charity hike for Oxfam in May - you have to hike a 100km course around a local mountain range in less than 48 hours. Needless to say, some training is going to be required for that one.
So what with work getting busier as busier - they're starting to trust me now with a wider variety of roles and with a little more resposibility - and all these new activities on the horizon, I'm going to be one tired little bunny.

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