Words from an Irishman on his way home...

Monday 2 October 2006

My art moves people

So it seems my foray into the world of haiku has led to an outbreak of artistic inspiration in my family.
My Mother, from her sick bed, was moved to compose a limerick for me. Here it is.
There was a young man in Japan,well known as the good Pato san.He decided to logall his life in a blog.Now we read it as fast as we can.
By my mother, The Trash Heap (a loving nickname, honest!)
Then my Dad went and discovered some real Irish haiku by a real poet. He read them out to me over the phone and they’re really good. He promised to forward them on to me and I’ll upload them as soon as they arrive. That way, dear reader, you can see what a real haiku is like.
Finally, as for my siblings, my art has inspired them in different ways.
My brother and his band, Brian Cullen’s Love Bullets, went and recorded a CD over the weekend. All down to me, don’t you know! Here is the band’s Myspace link, if you want to check it out (though it might not be up just yet).
While my sister, the stealth blogger (or should that be sloth blogger) has delved into the realms of performance art. Go to her blog and see her dressed up in drag. She looks the spit of Harold from Neighbours (if he lost a few kilos).

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